AF7.... Sedihnya...!

Posted by Cikgu Fitrie on 12:21 PM in
Sebenarnya happy, at this momment, Akim still in running to become the winner for AF7. Although, the chances are little, but he might be in the grand finals. Yang sakit hatinya lak, ada AFUNDI masuk lak...! Perlu ker? Bukan sepatutnya yang dah keluar tu should stay out of the competition? Nape lah nak undi masuk pulak, sedangkan orang undi dia dah tak ramai and hence, out of the game!

Tapi berat hati ni katakan mesti yang masuk semula tu Aril... Although I'm not a big fan, in fact, not a fan at all, he would be the most likely to enter AF again after the AFUNDI masuk tu. Choi la Tiara!

Unlike, OIAM, which for me, is far far far better singing competition, the viewers are let to decide wether its a 2 on 2 competition or 3 on 3. Malaysia has decided, there will be 3 contender for a million dollar! Kan bagus kalau AF buat cam tu, sama ada nak buat undi masuk atau pun tak.

Maybe orang akan cakap, kalau tak suka dengan cara AF tu, jangan nengok terus... But, who can't resist Akim... Watching him sang, over and over again, never bored me. Satu je, mekap tebal sangat!

Apa2 pun, all the best tu Akim, hopefully will see u a lot, after the days of AF are over!


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