Update untuk update entry akan datang! Boleh?

Posted by Cikgu Fitrie on 1:43 PM in
hurm... lama gak tak update blog... bukan takde story to tell, there are few actually... Cuma masa je takde sebab too busy with work at school and home.... So, keep it low at the momment... Ni pun ngah online kat depan econsave bahau dalam kete... Sebab tgh tunggu ful gunting rambut dia...

So, leh ler citer sikit apa yang berlaku tadi... Sebenarnya baru pas shopping untuk barang2 umah... So pasni merasalah sume entry tentang home makeover selepas dan sebelum... Hehehehe...

Tapi motif beli barang2 perabot jauh2 kat Bahau? Erm... bukan apa, sebab dah survey barang2 kat kedai tu memang murah giler, ada discount lak tu, and winning point dia, charge hantar segamat barang2 tu sume just rm20 jer... Boleh?

So, nantikan entry yang tak lama lagi bakal diupdatekan yer... And of course, back dated entry tentang what had happened for the last few weeks that keeping me super busy! Chow, for now...!


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